Ongoing Supervision

Are you a pre-licensure provider in need of supervision to complete your clinical hours? I am a WA state approved supervisor, with 8 years experience running my own private practice, and a unique perspective as a psychodynamic and psychoanalytically informed clinician working with predominantly queer and trans clients. I incorporate aspects of existential-phenomenological psychology in my work, as well as draw upon several traditions within psychoanalysis - notably the works of Jung, Lacan, and Winnicott - and enjoy working with new clinicians looking to expand their own depth perspectives and practices.

In my supervision, I consider and work with the whole person of the therapist, focusing not only on day to day clinical questions, but personal aspects such as transference and counter transference, the stresses and lifestyle of building a practice, and important theoretical elements such as case formulation.

In some ways, my work with supervisees mirrors that of my work with clients - in a supportive and value-neutral environment, I encourage the individuals I am working with to unfold the details of their experience, attending carefully to covered over aspects. We then use this information to better understand what’s going on, how you are operating in relationship to the work, and where stuck factors may lie beyond what you’re seeing. I will support you in expressing and clarifying your own answers, perspective, and clinical guidelines (be they the practicals of business or theoretical elements of orientation) while also sharing what I know, and encouraging new avenues.

In other ways, my work with supervisees mirrors that of my work with students - I am here to scaffold your learning, encouraging you to define your own goals, tell me what you already know, and build upon that knowledge with strategies, concepts, and materials that are within your range of access, while also pushing you to grow outside that range. I may suggest readings, or thinkers adjacent or relevant to your concerns or questions, or give examples from my own work to help illuminate the path forward, or the ground already covered.

Above all, in supervision I understand that you and I are both people, working with people. Consistent with a psychodynamic perspective, I consider all aspects of the self to be relevant and present in our endeavors, including our endeavors as therapists, as business owners, and as individuals sitting with suffering. I enjoy marrying my work as a clinician and instructor, and supporting new clinicians in their own journeys.

My current rate for supervision is $150 per hour. If you are experiencing financial hardship, please reach out.